Among Babukusu of Western Kenya, wild animals meant a lot; food for survival, enemies to coexist with, sport for hunting, medicine from animal organs, and garments out of skins and many others..
Bukusu nomeclenture is not one that recognises all animals, precisely the commonly interacted with. for instance, the knowldge of whales and Kangaroo among others was limited. But for most forest animals, the community has a good grasp.
Besides, the naming system is not conscious of the species variation. For instance, one could not differentiate a bonobo and baboon, tiger from leopard, chimpanzee and gorilla or aardvark and anteater..
Check a sample of the animal names:
Antelope -- Ekhisi
Aardvark/Anteater - -- Yabunje/Ekhuuru
Baboon ---Embuyusi
Bat --- Wambuuto
Buffalo -- Emboko
Chameleon --- Ekhaniafu
Cheetah -- Emoondo
Crocodile -- Ekwena
Deer --- Ekhulo
Elephant --- Enjoli/Enjofu
Fox --- Engipwe
Giraffe -- Etwiika
Green Snake -- Eekheendu
Gorilla/Chimpanzee -- Enguke
Hare/Squirrel --- Emuuna
Hippo --- Efubu
Hyena ---- Namunyu
Impala Embongo
Jackal --- Sisuche
Leopard ---- Engwe
Lion --- Etalang'i
Monitor Lizard ---- Embulu
Monkey --- Ekhima
Porcupine --- Enjekeche/Esekese
Rattle Snake --- Emuu
Snake ---- Endemu
Tortoise --- Ekhutu
Warthog ----- Engili
Wilder Beast --- Eesolo
Wild Cat ---- Enjayu/Enjusi
Wild ass/horse --- Esikiria
Wild pig--- Embichi
Wolf ----- Ling'u
Zebra ---- Epundamulia