Saturday 21 January 2017

Smart Phones Dumb People

So a guy collects an old picture of a sick, deformed Pakistani child and in some weird way makes forces it to trend. If you do not type Amen, you are likely to be cursed for 10 years. A faithful Facebook user, as you are, you manage to type just that...

Did you see the other one where ‘Jesus’ engages in a fistfight with ‘Satan’? So, you type Amen for Jesus and Ignore for Satan. So the loyal online congregation goes with 300k Amens in under 24 hours. How can people be so blind?  Which kind of gospel this is? Others go telling you type :II #@ ....and see what happens... and much more that makes social media users shallow minded and boring lot.

We are a dumb clueless generation. Albert Einstein was right. Technology is making us dumb and lazy. Dates are breaking up as soon as they start. With trendy sexting; courting becoming as easy as ABC. But short-lived; collapsing under the weight of time, patience and faithfulness. We update our information-thirsty followers everywhere; at work, field, labor ward, fashion store, eateries, and bathrooms.

Welcome to hashtag generation where communication is impersonal. Emojis reducing what we really feel toward one another. Blackmail, lies; What is on Twitter is always the truth. Millennials typing HBD when you are born and RIP when you hit the end road; formulating lazy trends to judge and troll others...quick to condemn, zero chills but out of touch with real realities.

We spent more time being slaves of our not-so-dear gadgets; than talking to one another. Video recording, tagging, poking generation: We better record sorriest events instead of offering a helping hand. We share everything even before we read: Even that lost little girl in the neighborhood that you might even not recognize in real life.  We are dull and dumb; rogue citizen journalism.

We capture moments on camera and forget to live the little life God has given us. We forget to live together with happiness and love instead choosing to admire faceless strangers behind devices and keyboards. We fall prey to cybercriminals and serial sexual offenders, intoxicated by their good looks.

Welcome to this generation, where we raise techno-savvy online warriors; who think they information-demigods.  We create chatrooms with lifespans of mosquitoes; to bully each other that we feel better. We, in pretense act, to feel sorry when one of us gets a real life problem, but the only close we come to them is sharing a few admins. And yet, Tech and psychological scholars like Bill Thompson and Steven Pinker caution us that our devices are sucking the life out of us.

We miss living each moment of reality. We depend on phones, computers, and tablets. We flush the latest wardrobe to friends and strangers if they care. We upload pictures of besties at the campus or workplace; while our old folks are sadly and poorly aging at home. We glorify Westernized culture and curse our own of simple visits, greetings, gratitude. When we offer help, everyone in the corner of the world knows.  We mutilate our own values that our ancestors believed in. Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o; they foresaw. We think we are brighter, enlightened and cool. We are a bunch of dumb. Copycats, quick to adopt with no regard for consequences.

We go hungry but purchase data bundles. We sleep at 2 am each day; the killer devices destroy us each day...speeding our grave-destined journey. Texting while driving has comfortably outpaced drunk driving as a leading road killer. But then our families and acquaintances die; and all we do is upload our pretty faces in those black gowns. Creating silly hashtags like TBT so that we remember them. Oblivious of how near we are there ourselves.

It is not making us ‘cool’ is making us dumb and crazy

We dumb, how clueless this generation is: However that is not my problem...the problem is that we are just laying an irreversible foundation for our future children and their children and their children’s children.

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